Unfortunately, due to the upcoming General Election, the originally-planned event on 25 June 2024, outlined below, has had to be postponed. An alternative online-only data and policy event will now take place on the same date, and this will provide a comparative perspective between the United States and the United Kingdom. One confirmed speaker is Professor Brent Newton, former Deputy Director of the United States Sentencing Commission.
For further information and to express an interest in attending this event, please click here.
Postponed event:
The University of Surrey is hosting an expert roundtable – Empowering Policy: The Role of Data in Modern Sentencing – in conjunction with the Sentencing Academy and the National Association of Sentencing Commissions on Tuesday 25 June 2024.
The roundtable is a hybrid event. The in-person option will be held at the University of Surrey in its Courtroom of the Future in Guildford, Surrey.
Roundtable experts include senior representatives of the Sentencing Council for England and Wales, the Scottish Sentencing Council, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Pennsylvania Sentencing Commission.
If you wish to attend the event either in person or online, complete this expression of interest by 20 June 2024. Spaces in the courtroom are limited and thus may not be available to all who wish to participate in person.