Multi-year funding from the Dawes Trust

The Sentencing Academy is pleased to announce that it has received additional multi-year funding from the Dawes Trust. We are very grateful to the Trust for its ongoing and future support of the Academy.

Effective Sentencing

In addition to our current funding this additional resource will permit the Academy to significantly expand its activities. More specifically, the funding will help launch our Effective Sentencing workstream. This initiative will involve creation of a new resource for sentencers, legislators, policy makers. All stakeholders will be able to access state of the art reviews and summaries of the latest research on what works at sentencing. No comparable database or resource currently exists. Users interested in the effectiveness of sentencing options, community order requirements or any other aspect of sentencing must conduct their own reviews of the literature. The Academy will be working with partners and end users to ensure that the new facility meets their needs.

New Office Location

The Academy would like to further announce that as of September 4th, 2024, we are moving into new office space at 60 Gray’s Inn Road, London. A reception will be held in the autumn to welcome visitors to our new facility.

New Hiring

We are also in the process of hiring a new Head of Research to guide the Effective Sentencing Workstream. Details of the position can be found on the Sentencing Academy website.