A seminar in conjunction with Nottingham Law School.
This in person seminar begins at 5:30pm and is taking place at:
Room 1002 Chaucer Building, Nottingham Trent University, City Campus Goldsmith Street Nottingham NG1 5LT
The speakers at the event are:
Dr Felicity Gerry KC – International Criminal silk and Professor of Legal Practice, “Mandatory sentencing v restorative justice?”
Professor Vanessa Bettinson – Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice at De Montfort University, “New sentencing guidelines needed for women who commit crimes driven by coercive and controlling abuse in an intimate or family relationship.”
Dr Emma Sleath- Associate Professor in Criminology, University of Leicester, “Victim-survivors’ experiences of the criminal justice process: Reflecting on the journey and achieving a sense of justice through sentencing.”
Chaired by Orla Slattery, Lecturer Nottingham Law School
To sign up to attend this event, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/violence-against-women-and-girls-and-sentencing-seminar-in-person-event-tickets-560335908787